Doum Palm Diet4

The doum palm is regarded as the skull fruits known in Northern Nigeria as an excellent brain super food; even though its origin is from Egypt but can now be found cultivated and domesticated in Nigeria. The doum palm grows on the palm tree, the fresh fruit or the dried fruit pulps are used for food and eaten as snacks, the dried doum fruits are chopped and mill to be used for making drinks or use as a spice with a bland unique taste and flavor. It is called in Hausa goruba of the doum palm tree; a very hard fruit and the edible part is called doum palm fruits which is a red ripe edible fruit, eaten fresh or dry. The doum palm fruits called goruba in the northeast are as big as a clenched fist and have a large hairy seed in its middle which is very hard that can even crack a human skull if thrown at someone’s head. The doum palm tree has oval fruits very well eaten and used for various recipes in northern Nigeria, the fruits surrounding the seeds are the edible part wi

Fura da nono( milk and millet gruel)


Fura da nono was one of the drinks I looked forward to having when I was younger, we would wait around for the vendors to come by with their calabash. Fura da Nunu translates to Millet and Milk. Nono is locally fermented milk with a consistency that is thick but isn’t quite as thick as yogurt .

Traditionally, the vendors mold the fura into a ball and it’s mashed into the milk just before serving. This is a nifty trick as it  gives the vendors an opportunity to sell two distinct product. The nono was the only part I personally enjoyed as a kid, my mum however would have the mix.

When you make this at home, there is no need to first make the millet into a ball, simply process and combine. I made use of Kafir milk in this recipe, it’s the closest thing to locally processed nono if you live outside Nigeria. For those at home, ask around the local Hausa community, they will be able to tell you where to find authentic nono .

Fura da Nono is a traditional Nigerian drink made from millet flour and fermented milk. It is a popular drink in the Northern part of Nigeria and is often enjoyed as a refreshing drink during the hot summer months. It is also a nutritious drink that is high in protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients. In this recipe, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to make Fura da Nono from scratch.

Originating from the Hausa people in Northern Nigeria, Fura da Nono has been a staple drink for generations. The drink is traditionally made by grinding millet into a fine powder, mixing it with water and kneading it into small balls. The balls are then boiled and served with fermented milk. The milk is typically made from cow or goat milk that has been left to ferment for several hours.

  • 2 cups of millet flour

  • 2 cups of water

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • 1 teaspoon of ground ginger

  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

  • 1 teaspoon of ground nutmeg

  • 1/4 cup of honey (optional)

  • Fermented milk (Nono)


  • Large mixing bowl

  • Rolling pin

  • Large pot with a lid

  • Cheesecloth

  • Strainer

  • Blender


  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the millet flour, salt, ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Mix well.

  2. Gradually add the water to the millet mixture, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon until a dough is formed.

  3. Knead the dough with your hands until it becomes smooth and pliable. Divide the dough into small balls, about the size of a golf ball.

  4. Using a rolling pin, flatten each ball into a thin disk, about 1/4 inch thick.

  5. Place the flattened disks in a large pot of boiling water and cook for about 15-20 minutes or until the balls float to the surface and are fully cooked. Remove the balls from the water and allow them to cool.

  6. In a blender, blend the fermented milk until it becomes smooth.

  7. Strain the blended milk through a cheesecloth into a large bowl.

  8. Add honey (if using) to the milk and stir well.

  9. To serve, crumble the cooked millet balls into a bowl and pour the fermented milk over the top. Stir to combine and enjoy!

Allergy Concerns: This recipe is gluten-free and can be made dairy-free by using a non-dairy milk alternative for the fermented milk. If you have any other allergies, please be sure to check the ingredients carefully before making this recipe.

Here’s a list of the potential health benefits of fura da nono.

  1. Rich In Probiotics
  2. High In Protein
  3. Calcium Source
  4. Boosts Immunity
  5. Rich In Antioxidants
  6. Energy Booster
  7. Aids Digestion
  8. Supports Heart Health
  9. Good For Lactose Intolerants
  10. Supports Skin Health
  11. May Aid Weight Management

If you want to learn more, please continue reading.

1. Rich In Probiotics

Nono, as a fermented milk product, is teeming with beneficial bacteria known as probiotics.

These probiotics are essential microorganisms that help balance our gut flora.

A balanced gut can lead to improved digestion, helping break down food more efficiently.

Moreover, having a healthy amount of these bacteria can fend off harmful pathogens, ensuring gut health.

Thus, consuming nono can support overall digestive health and bolster the body’s natural defenses.

2. High In Protein

Millet and fermented milk, the two main components of Fura da Nono, are rich in protein.

Protein is a vital nutrient that our bodies use to build and mend tissues.

For those who engage in physical activities, it supports muscle recovery and strength.

Consuming foods high in protein, like Fura da Nono, can also promote feelings of fullness, aiding in weight management.

Incorporating this dish into one’s diet can be beneficial for both muscle health and dietary balance.

3. Calcium Source

Nono, made from fermented milk, is a significant source of calcium.

Calcium is an essential mineral that our bodies need to maintain and build strong bones and teeth.

Regular intake of calcium-rich foods, like nono, can help prevent conditions like osteoporosis in later life.

Additionally, calcium plays a role in nerve signaling and muscle function.

Consuming nono not only supports skeletal health but also ensures the proper functioning of various bodily processes.

4. Boosts Immunity

Probiotics, found abundantly in nono, are beneficial bacteria that play a role in gut health.

A healthy gut is closely linked to a strong immune system, as a large portion of our immune cells reside there.

When we consume probiotics from sources like Nono, we support the balance of good bacteria in our intestines.

This balance helps ward off harmful pathogens and infections.

By consuming nono regularly, we can potentially bolster our body’s natural defenses and resilience against illnesses.

5. Rich In Antioxidants

Millet, a key component in Fura da Nono, is packed with antioxidants.

These antioxidants act as the body’s defense agents against harmful molecules called free radicals.

When free radicals accumulate, they can cause oxidative stress, leading to cellular damage.

Over time, this damage can contribute to chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.

Consuming antioxidant-rich foods like millet can help protect the body and support overall health.

6. Energy Booster

Millet, used in Fura da Nono, is rich in carbohydrates, which are the body’s primary fuel source.

When we eat millet, our body breaks down these carbohydrates into glucose, which is then used to power our cells and keep us active.

Unlike sugary snacks that can cause energy spikes and crashes, the complex carbs in millet release energy steadily.

This means that consuming millet can provide long-lasting energy without jitters or sudden drops.

Including millet in one’s diet can help maintain consistent energy levels throughout the day.

7. Aids Digestion

Fura da Nono is a beneficial combination for digestion due to its ingredients.

Millet, one of its components, contains dietary fiber, which aids in the smooth movement of food through the digestive tract.

This fiber helps prevent constipation and promotes regular bowel movements.

On the other hand, nono contains probiotics, beneficial bacteria that enhance gut health.

Together, the fiber from millet and the probiotics from nono work in tandem to support a healthy digestive system, ensuring efficient nutrient absorption and waste elimination.

8. Supports Heart Health

Millet, a fundamental ingredient in Fura da Nono, is beneficial for heart health.

One of its notable qualities is its ability to help lower cholesterol.

High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart diseases, as it can lead to the narrowing of arteries.

By consuming millet, which contains compounds that combat high cholesterol, one can support clearer arteries and improved blood flow.

Incorporating millet into the diet can play a role in maintaining a healthy heart and reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues.

10. Supports Skin Health

Fura da Nono, with its combination of millet and fermented milk, offers nutrients that can be beneficial for the skin.

Millet contains essential vitamins like vitamin E and B-complex, which are known to promote skin health and combat signs of aging.

Fermented milk, or nono, provides amino acids and lactic acid, which can help with skin hydration and exfoliation.

Together, these ingredients can aid in collagen production, which is essential for skin elasticity and strength.

By consuming Fura da Nono, one might support a more radiant and healthy skin complexion.


Fura da Nono, a traditional dish from northern Nigeria, offers a plethora of health benefits due to its rich ingredients.

Its combination of millet and fermented milk provides essential nutrients like protein, fiber, and probiotics.

These nutrients support digestion, heart health, and immunity, among other benefits.

Moreover, it can aid in weight management and promote skin health.

As a natural and nutritious dish, Fura da Nono is not only a testament to cultural culinary heritage but also a boon for well-being. One potential health benefit of Fura da Nono that catches my attention is its possible aid in weight management.

The idea that it can help one feel full and satisfied intrigues me, as maintaining a healthy weight can lessen the strain on joints, which is beneficial for those with conditions like arthritis.

While i had the chance to try Fura da Nono, I’m eager to experience its taste and benefits everyday!

An interesting tidbit about this dish is that it’s sometimes referred to as “African Yogurt” due to its unique taste and texture.

It’s fascinating how a single traditional dish can offer both potential health advantages and cultural richness!

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