Doum Palm Diet4

The doum palm is regarded as the skull fruits known in Northern Nigeria as an excellent brain super food; even though its origin is from Egypt but can now be found cultivated and domesticated in Nigeria. The doum palm grows on the palm tree, the fresh fruit or the dried fruit pulps are used for food and eaten as snacks, the dried doum fruits are chopped and mill to be used for making drinks or use as a spice with a bland unique taste and flavor. It is called in Hausa goruba of the doum palm tree; a very hard fruit and the edible part is called doum palm fruits which is a red ripe edible fruit, eaten fresh or dry. The doum palm fruits called goruba in the northeast are as big as a clenched fist and have a large hairy seed in its middle which is very hard that can even crack a human skull if thrown at someone’s head. The doum palm tree has oval fruits very well eaten and used for various recipes in northern Nigeria, the fruits surrounding the seeds are the edible part wi

Banana porridge

 If you never add banana porridge before you may be wondering what it is. Banana Porridge is a Jamaican breakfast, made with green bananas and flavorful milk and spices.

I am using fresh coconut milk, which may this plantain porridge recipe suitable for you. 

 I personally love coconut milk in banana porridge but any milk of your choice can go into this porridge.

Banana porridge is much like making   which also tastes great and very easy to make.

The Ingredients

The few ingredient that you need to make banana porridge are:

  • Green banana: A must
  • Fresh coconut milk: I use freshly made coconut milk but canned coconut works also. And you don’t have to use coconut, any fresh milk of your choice works as will.
  • Vanilla, nutmeg, salt, cinnamon: Essential spices.
  • Sugar, condensed milk: Use either or, or both.

How To Make Jamaican Banana Porridge

You have to blend the banana before using it to make the porridge..

Traditionally the banana is grated and not blended. Green banana is very soft so this is still done, but the porridge is not as smooth.

Green banana porridge is not a very thick porridge and so oatmeal is often added to the blender to help make the porridge thicker. In my opinion, it is better without the oats.

The next step is to add the blended banana to a pot of boiling water and let the banana cook for about ten minutes. Green banana is usually very easy to cook so the porridge shouldn’t take very long.

Then add the spices and sweeten to taste.

Bananas are a tropical fruit known for their delicious flavor and numerous health benefits. Originating in Southeast Asia, these elongated, curved fruits belong to the Musa genus and are a popular choice for snacks, smoothies, and desserts worldwide. Bananas are typically yellow when ripe, although some varieties may have green or reddish skins.

Sri Lankan bananas are a tropical delight renowned for their exceptional taste and superior quality since Ceylon is one of the tropical paradises that boasts a treasure trove of natural wonders. Sri Lankan bananas are known for their sweet and delicious taste, as well as their high quality. The country’s tropical climate and ideal soil conditions make it the perfect place to grow bananas.

Beyond their delectable taste, Sri Lankan bananas are nutritional powerhouses. They are packed with essential nutrients, including potassium, fiber, and vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin B6. These nutrients support heart health, boost the immune system and aid in digestion. Bananas are a convenient, natural energy source and are often enjoyed for their sweet taste and creamy texture. They are a staple in many cuisines and are used in both fresh and cooked dishes. Whether eaten on their own, blended into a breakfast smoothie, or sliced atop cereal, bananas are a versatile and nutritious addition to any diet. They boast a long shelf life, maintaining their delicious flavor and firm texture.

Sri Lanka is home to a diverse range of banana varieties, each with its own distinct characteristics. Some of the most popular ones include:

  • Seeni Banana (Sugar Banana / Lady Finger Banana)
  • Ambul Banana (Sour Banana)
  • Kolikuttu Banana (Silk Banana / Latundan Banana)
  • Puwalu Banana

Experience the taste of Sri Lanka with our export-ready, premium bananas, the perfect addition to your fruit selection. Trust in our expertise to bring the essence of Sri Lankan tropical goodness to your market as well as your plate.

Bananas are rich in potassium and other important minerals and vitamins that help your body perform critical functions. Their potential benefits include:

Heart health. Bananas are best known for containing potassium, which is a big player in heart health. This vital mineral and electrolyte carries a small electrical charge, causing nerve cells to send out signals for your heart to beat regularly and muscles to contract. Foods with potassium help protect against hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and high blood pressure. 

 A medium banana gives you 422 milligrams, which is 9% of what you need every day.potassium-rich foods also help you get rid of more sodium when you pee and relax the walls of your blood vessels, both of which help lower your blood pressure. 

What’s more, potassium:

  • May lower your risk of stroke
  • Can help keep your bones healthy as you age
  • May help your muscles work better
  • Can help prevent kidney stones

If you have kidney problems, too much potassium isn’t good for you. Check with your doctor to see how much you should have.

Digestive health. Despite their sugar content, bananas have a low glycemic index (GI) value of 51. (Glycemic index is a measure of how fast a food causes your blood sugar to rise.) Their fiber – which helps with digestion – is to thank for this. Bananas contain a type of fiber called pectin, which can play a part in controlling how quickly you digest carbohydrates. 

Bananas may be good for your tummy, too. They have probiotics, which are the good bacteria found in your gut, and prebiotics, carbs that feed these good bacteria.

There’s also evidence that probiotics can help with the annoying diarrhea people get after taking some antibiotics.

Probiotics may also help:

  • Improve yeast and urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Treat some infections in your gut
  • Ease irritable bowel syndrom (IBS)
  • Lessen lactose intolerence

Probiotics may even help make cold and the flu less severe.

Bananas contain fructooligosaccharides (FOS), which are unique fructose-filled carbohydrates that you don't fully digest. These FOS are involved in a process that helps maintain the balance of good bacteria in your lower intestine.

Diabetes management. Eating a diet rich in low-GI foods (and avoiding higher-glycemic foods) may decrease the risk of complications in people with diabetes. If you diabetis, you can enjoy half a banana when you need a snack. 

Like all fruits, bananas have carbs, but they won’t blow up a low-carb diet. A medium one gives you about 27 grams of carbs.

Weight control. Eating low-GI foods may promote weight loss. Fiber, like that found in bananas, can also help you control your weight. 

It’s no secret that the right amount of fibre in your diet is good for you. An average-size ripe banana gives you 3 grams of it. That’s about 10% of what you need each day. Most of the fiber in bananas is what’s called soluble fiber. It can help keep your cholesterol check and inflamation.

In general, foods that are high in fiber make you feel full without extra calories. That also makes them a good choice if you want to shed a few pounds.

Faster workout recovery: Research suggests bananas can also help you bounce back from strenuous workouts. But we need more studies to confirm this.

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